Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh Mesa Verde...

The drive to Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado was just as amazing as driving in New Mexico. The campground in this park was by far the best campground we stayed in. It was so nice even though there was black bear in the area. The first night we camped out in a clear area which was a horrible choice because it dropped from 75 degree to 41! Totally froze but it was worth cause the meteor shower was that night. I talked Jeanette into eating marshmallows the next night which was an awesome idea (although I always ruin Jeanette’s vegetarianism). 


1st place at Mesa Verde jeanette and i went to

now that's legit

 Ok as for the park, Jeanette lied to me about the heights. FYI like the Toronto post I am deathly afraid of heights. I had to climb up wooden ladders, not cool! These ancient cliff dwellings were amazing!
**Side story while we were in Carlsbad this awesome ranger named Tami and I had a chat and I told her what Jeanette and I were doing. When I told her we were going to Mesa Verde she goes “I have a ranger friend, Brooke, who I trained with that works there”. Well I promised Tami I would try to find Brooke. Well the first tour we went was lead by…yep Brooke! I walked up to her and said Tami wanted me to tell you hi. She freaked that we had actually saw her. It was awesome.


i basically ran up this to get it over with

oh osu how you have programmed us

 Anyways, the first tour was Cliff Palace the largest cliff dwelling there which was pretty despite the height. This was also my first experience with high altitudes (more to come on this and why I am an idiot).
So our two days in Mesa Verde were awesome and best described in photos, woot!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

They Came from Outer Space

The best seriously…well one of the best was Roswell, NM. I have a thing for alien related subjects. Love x-files, forever. Jeanette thought it was dingy but I was thoroughly amused. There were people in tin foil hats! I mean come on, awesome. The museum was a little wonky but it’s been in so many aliens films. There was alien coke machines and alien lamp post. Ridiculous.


lol! good name
 After the museum I found the Roswell gem, a place where you can go and take photos with different alien scenes. Jeanette was so pissed I made her do this. Oh well…

The drive to Santa Fe was beautiful. Jeanette wanted to go to the gallery hop there…eh not my thing. Santa Fe was too artsy like artsy sick…and I actually love art. The hostel we stayed at is not mentioning really because well it bad. So, the Santa Fe hostel don’t do it. 

The next thing on the list the next day before we drove to Colorado was the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe. Be warned it’s so touristy and it was three dollars to see a fricking staircase! Jeanette was disappointed…hehe Roswell was way better.

holy water for sale?